In today's post, I will discuss a herbal soup called the Si Wu Tang (四物湯), that is very suitable for ladies after your mensuration. This is a herbal soup that is a must after mensuration in order to regulate and fortify your body. This herbal prescription is typical and well-known. Some of you lady readers out there might have experience your mother, grandmother telling you about this soup.
So, today I shall discuss the myth involving this soup. Who can drink it? When to drink it? Is this there any caution to be observed when taking this soup? i shall now start by presenting the ingredients of the Si Wu Tang (四物湯).
The ingredients of the prescription are as follow: -
1. Dang Gui (当归, 三钱)
2. Chuan Xiong (川芎, 二钱)
3. Bai Shao (白芍, 三钱)
4. Shou Di Huang (熟地黄, 四钱)
The primary role of the Si Wu Tang (四物湯) is to "nourishing liver blood". It is suitable for symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, hand, foot numbness, cramps, less menstrual flow, and others. In our modern world of living with the presence of living pressure, irregular lifestyle, coupled with poor eating habits (the love for deep-fried, spicy and barbecued stuff) results in us having a more dry and heaty (燥热) body structure. Thus, it makes us not really suitable for the consumption of the Si Wu Tang (四物湯). But, does that means that ladies out there could no longer consume it.
If you really need to consume it, you can arrange to go through checkup at the Chinese medicine practitioners, who will modified the Si Wu Tang (四物湯) according to each and individuals physical conditions.
Si Wu Tang (四物湯) is not a cure for any disease nor is it a miracle prescription for the ultimate regulation and fortification of your body. It is only in one of the many traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, that have been used traditionally for the ladies after mensuration. So, before consuming, it is advisable and also a sensible thing to consult a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner for his/her advise.
It is an important to note. Medicine use in the correct and proper manner is to solve the problems and will be helpful to the body. In the opposite sense, if medication is taken in a disorder manner, the medication may become a "poison" to the body.
So so long......
14 years ago
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